Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Damn this offline mode!!!! I just got half way through the whole post with some thoughtful words on my experiences and all for nothing. Well sorry folks but it's not happening again. I will just caption...grumble grumble.
Thank you Bob Noxious for hooking me up with Sox, a Paris Rollergirl and Team France player! Here is the view from the window in the room I stayed that Bob described. This is a suburb... not at all like any suburb I've ever seen. She lives in an amazing flat!
The annual Rock on Siene festival was happening by her flat. The attendees were noting like FPSF. No damn mom jorts and overly ironic b.s.
Trunchadora! (Like Trunchpole from Matilda) De Argentina. She just moved to Paris and Sox was also hosting her while she takes care of moving business... small derby world!
We walked the perimeter of that festival.. turned into a fence and found ourselves in some woods... then finally emerging from them this was the view.. it was wild. We laughed.
First night. Friday. We went to an outdoor public dance floor, sweet!  There was breakdancing and capivara.. yes, that sexy Brazilian dance fighting as seen on Bob's Burgers. We were there celebrating a friend's birthday. We shut the place down and played tag when the floor cleared. 
We made it to one subway link before they shut all the lines down... luckily we had our skates and took to the streets. After cruising down Champs-Élysées we ran into the Arc de Triomphe, Sweet!
Being a Paris tourist the only logical way... thanks for the selfie stick video department! I'm doing a separate project which involves the stick... but that's not going to be shared with the public.
I was gung-ho about climbing stairs to the top... but even THAT line was crazy... so I said eff it and ate some ice cream. In retrospect I would have wasted too much of my sight seeing time... no regrets!!
The Luxor Obelisk
Fountaines de la Concorde
The Lourve!!! I didn't go inside... its similar to seeing everything in a Smithsonian.. The entire structure was mind blowing.
Skating Police, how efficient! Says something about the vast area to patrol
Made it just shy of Notre Dame so I bought a gift for my pal Blown Apart, 1769, and a beer and soaked in my last 20 minutes before starting the Metro journey back to Sox's flat.
This is an Aperitif.. a pre-dinner drink. You take a smidge and then add water and a few ice cubes.  It had a licorice taste. Not my favorite but I experienced it anyway damnit!
A meal prepared for us by Sox. Croque Monsiur.
We collaborated this drawing of our mutual pal Bob Noxious and took a photo with him :)
Meet at the Bastille for the Sunday skate
Sunday afternoon Paris street skate!!!!  A couple hundred people! young and old, lovers of skating!  We quads were minimal... but we are mighty!  This went approximately 14 miles through town.
Skatin' with my homies!
We met Shawna, a derby girl from Olympia, Washington. She hung with us, of course :) we had food and drinks together after the skate.

All in all.... Paris was flipping amazing and I really want to go back.  I love the French food, culture, and the men... oooo la la :]

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