Sunday, September 6, 2015


On the train from Füssen to Vienna, Austria (Wien)
Because I'm evil.... in a league with SAAAATAAAAN!!

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet among other things.
We met some folks from California and did a camera swap... They were ecstatic that we spoke English. A clearly tourist moment as the locals would NOT do something like that.

Inside of St. Stephen's Cathedral
During all those years of hunger and hardships its nice to know the religious hierarchy was living so comfortably. It is hard to enjoy places like this... but it is easier than stomaching present day mega churches which have zero redeeming qualities.
The outside of the Cathedral. Fun fact: The building is constantly undergoing renovations because it is entirely made of sandstone.

Statue outside Motzarthaus.  Mozart's residence from 1784 to 1787 in Wien.

Refugees Welcome!  :)   I saw this painted in multiple parts of town. It is insanely interesting being over here right now.  I have seen refugees in the train stations and talked about the situation in every country I have been with my hosts and heard many opinions and been educated on how different EU countries are dealing with the influx.  Everyone I have spoken to are on the welcoming side.  Talking to a girl on the train that is about to start her first year of university was about the most naive opinion I've heard... hey, like some of the ones I read from home. This is another topic meant for in-person discussion.

Visit to Wurstelprater amusement park

WTF, weird... I likey.  There are a number of Disney knock off decor and what not. But I love all this freaky deaky stuff.
Clowny clown clown
If I were a hot dog this is how I'd do myself up.
This place has a little bit of everything... Thinking of you, A.J.
Prater Turm. 117 meters tall.  Terrifying ain't it?!
Let's go!
Jake's friend Katrine joined us for the park trip.  Jake was not going on this puppy again so he held our stuff.
We are in a swing behind the one with a flag... so the first one to the right of the tower.  I did not film anything on my action cam because if dropped it by chance it could cause a fatality. 
Hold me tight tiny chains!!
Finally got a Käsekrainer hot dog!  It is a cheese filled sausage (like kielbasa) in a baguette filled with ketchup and/or mustard with a lil bread hat!  DROOOOOL!!! Loved it. Top of my hot dog list now.

We walked along the canal to meet some friends.  There was SO MUCH amazing art painted along the way.  I understand that this was a legal zone for art.  I did not take any photos because EVERYTHING was so cool to stare at.

The Hofburg - currently the National Library.  We attended a Thanksgiving or Harvest Festival. Erntedankfest auf Deutsch.  That is where Hitler spoke once upon a time... crazy to see the space that was filled to the brim with spectators.  This is also where we met up for the Wien street skate.

Another wonderful breakfast. Jakey loves his spreads (and me too!)

Pizza Fritte, pretty much a deep fried pizza... it was delicious!!

Friday night city skate!

There were a lot of bikes in comparison to my other adventures. This event is hosted by the Green Party.  I did not see another quad skater the entire time. A lady even pointed me out with a "wooooah" of sorts :)
I really love how large and organized the skates are over here while back in Houston we just want a group big enough to not be taken out by a shitty driver... I cannot wait to get home and encourage more of my fellow retirees to come out on Tuesday nights (including myself!) so happy about retiring from the league and all this fresh new time to do meaningful stuff or at least escaping the doldrums of practice time. 

Sorry for potato quality view. Outside photos were scary due to the insane wind.

We went to the top of the tallest building/tower in Austria today and had coffee and topfenstrudel. The restaurant rotated and there were stationary signs around the ceiling so when you look up then out the window you would know what you were looking at more or less, neat!

We went to Wiener Schnitz'l Land!

In the morning I will be on my way to Prague in the Czech Republic. Being in Wien with Jake and Sven has been a blast and I cannot wait to host them in Texas this December <3 <3


  1. The pizza looks like a calzone!

    1. It's even more intense!! I think it originated in Napoli, I will investigate when in Italy :)
