Wednesday, September 9, 2015


They do not use Euros here in the Czech Republic.. also everything was in Czech which I completely failed to study up on.. ooops. I got a 24hr pass for the subway and made my way around just fine though.
A beautiful city... for the most part. I stayed two subways stops outside of the center, I enjoyed the realness. My airbnb host let me in, showed me around and pointed to a pile of city guides then I never saw him again until 10min prior to my departure he poked his head in to make sure I was gone... sorry dude! I'm not going to leave a review for that one...

I had a traditional meal for lunch which consisted of pork ribs... and man were they good.. horseraddish, mustard, bread and onions on the side...with a big ol beer. For dinner I had a bag of Gummi bears and a bottle of wine. I was still pretty full from lunch.

Great art here and there.. but this place is COVERED in tags, not visually appealing as they were crap.
Everything is so old and I love it
Charles bridge entry way. This is mos def the #1 tourist stop among all else I saw.
Around every corner (in and around Old Town) was picturesque.

A Ford!, A.J. 
You could be driven around the city in one of these... every time I saw one turn a corner I expected to see Hitler or something.. 
(Hitler wouldn't be in a Ford, I know)

I stopped caring about what was what and just snapped some photos. Churches do not interest me... just the structures themselves.

After seeing most things I could walk by and taking out more money than intended.. I figured I pay to see the few things that interested me.
I really enjoyed reading everything in here. Czechoslovakia had a busy past in the fight for/against Communism. The methods used in reprogramming the youth via education and propaganda really made me think about our current status in the US. The textbook fight to teach creationism and the bullshit I see on facebook everyday is like modern day propaganda... I almost felt like I should care a little more.

The Sex Machine Museum. I loved this!! I have photos but it would make some of you babies blush so thanks for ruining everything... here is a man's "He-wee".. intended for pissing without lifting up many layers of garment.

Prague Astronomical Clock

The John Lennon wall..... SWOON! I walked up as this guy was playing "Imagine"... I was immediately enamored.  This wall started as a way to piss off commies in the 1980s. Beatles inspired art and lyrics were painted on it, commies would paint it white, and their opponents would just make new art. Wonderful story to read up on. I have great video here. I love how the Beatles bring people of all countries together... I would have stayed all day.... Le sigh
Found ONE invader in all my travels...

Locks of love
I loved the John Lennon Wall so much I decided to spend exactly what money I had left on steak tartare and a beer at the John Lennon Pub. The entryway was round and painted like the Yellow Submarine.. couldnt resist!  Man this was DELICIOUS!!

No money left and hours to kill I just people watched at the train station.. once I thought I may brush my teeth and urinate but all I had was (equivilant) of 0.19 and needed 0.20 to use the toilet, DAMN! So I held it until my midnight train to Venice.

Prague was not my favorite place, but I'm glad I came.

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