Friday, September 4, 2015

Bavarian Skate

Marktoberdorf was a lovely town.. I took a train there after Munich with no plan.. walked a couple blocks and was lucky enough to have found The Greinwald Hotel. The owners were very sweet and invited me to join them and some others for beer on the patio. I met a cutie pug named King Ludwig!
in-house made chocolate.... droooooool!
First mission was to find a grocery trolley to attach my pack to.. then I wrapped my skate  noose around the handle and pulled that sucker all the way like a rickshaw. As if quad skaters are not looked at weird enough, here I am pulling a cart like an ass.. bu dum tiss.
Well the distance skate started off great.... then 3km into it I realized my wrist guards were m.i.a.
Made it to Stötten just fine, wonderful ride.. then I popped into a Gausthaus for German style pizza and a beer. I called the hotel and the language barrier made it hard to explain just what I was missing...I don't have much faith...I will email a photo today in case that helps. Desparate! I always have them street skating.. 
Update: going to Vienna sans wrist guards :(
Gasthaus in Stötten

derby...butt... hurr hurr hurr

After Stötten the trail started to feel a little harder because it was uphill ever so slightly... 2km in my lace broke and took me to the ground..ouch. then I made it to flatter terrain only to be moving into a storm. I sat under a bridge for a while then decided to carry on.. no traction and my skates began getting wet.. then the rain and hills both became my enemy fast.

beautiful scenery, but a smile would have been a lie.
I finally made it to Roßhaupten... no wonder I couldn't find a place to stay. It was a total farm town.. I am now getting soaked and caught a bus n had to take it to a station to nab another bus..  waiting at the Füssen station it really started to pour. No cover in sight. Soaked to the core... as well as my skates. If I were a weaker person I'd have been in tears.

Now I am in the hostel I arranged although the guy claims I wasn't supposed to be there... sigh.. but I'm now in a room with my things drying all over.  One nice thing is that the bus ride gave me a sneak peek at Neuschwanstein Castle.. so I had that going for me... and I'm sleeping somewhere dry tonight. And hey! I freakin' made it to my goal for day one! If the rain stops, tomorrow will be better.

Day 2. 
Still raining. Packed up my skates :(
At least I made it 15 miles through Bavaria... the good and the bad.  Now I am waiting on a bus to go visit the castles... assuming tickets are not sold out.. but the day is so crappy, not sure what I will find when I arrive.


  1. shit dude, that's crazy. i had to look up those towns to visualize the distance Roßhaupten and Marktoberdorf... go go-getter!

    1. I had Bluetooth shut off on my phone... so like a dummy the happy selfie stick photos never happened... but there is still video! And my damn go pro wasn't apparently on video mode (although I checked it twice!) But there are over 1000 files.... I hope it time lapsed!!! Can't tell until I get to Canada, where I will reunite with sweet sweet computer
