Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Things are coming along.  My new roommate moved in and all of my stuff is out minus all the things I need for my upcoming travels.  I have spent two days in my back room cave and loving it.

One final smile.amazon order of supplies to squeeze in.

The order of my journey is roughly the following:
Amsterdam -- lucky me, the city skate is the same day I arrive!
Eindhoven, NL -- home of Rockcity Rollers..and the home of the "Largest Indoor Skate Park in Europe"
Belgium -- What to do... hmmm.. working on it
Southern Germany -- hope to see real Bavarian-ness after all the trips to Helen, GA!
Prague, Czech Republic -- time to see some old stuff!
Austria -- Time with my best pal, Jake and his bf... I am really looking forward to this portion.
Venice, Italy -- again.. all those damn trips to the Venetian in Vegas.... I want the REAL thing.
Florence, Italy -- should be the start of the bike trip... I will consider it a definite when I give some $$ to someone.... But if this falls through I have my eye on a trek over to Greece and back to fly to my next stop from
Rome, Italy -- I will have 2 days here if the bike trip pans out

Again... I am open to suggestions... I love the input I have gotten thus far.

I fly to Toronto from Rome to go work a gig... how excellent!  Then to Atlanta to rest and see Peapoo for a few days and from there to go join my mom at the Taste of Charleston with the Porch People.. then back to mom's and flying directly home with my lil Peapo in hand.

Let us all cross our fingers I don't have 1 day to vacate anything from the house Oct 1!

I am really really really happy this is all finally coming together!  I have been saving for a LONG time

1 comment:

  1. wow! that sounds really awesome and exciting. color me green. =)
